영어동화 3

[EBS로 영어공부하기] 동화로 영어공부하기 At the Aquarium

At the Aquarium*EBS english에서 펀리딩 학습하기로 공부하실 수 있습니다. "We're going to an aquarium," says Counselor Esme. "I wonder what animals we will see living under the water," says George. "Our bus is a raft(물에 뜨게 만든 뗏목, 고무보트)!" says Wendy. "Let's float down(떠내려가다) the river to the aquarium," says Counselor Omar. "Let's see all the sea creatures," shouts George. "What can you see in the kelp(해초의 일종, 다시마) fo..

영어공부하자! 2020.12.26

[EBS로 영어공부하기] 동화로 영어공부하기 Little Miss Midge

*EBS english 펀리딩에서 학습하기로 공부하실 수 있습니다. Little Miss Midge Little Miss Midge had a busy day ahead of(~에 앞에, ~보다 빨리) her. She made a list to she wouldn't forget what she needed to do. [Thing to do!] -Buy my poor dag a bone -Feed the dog -Sweep(쓸다) the floor -Make the bed -Have friends in for ice cream The first thing Little Miss Midge did was go to the fridge(냉장고), to get her poor(가엾은,불쌍한) dog a bon..

영어공부하자! 2020.12.24

[EBS로 영어공부하기] 동화로 영어공부하기 The Gloden Ax and the Silver Ax 금도끼 은도끼!

* EBSenglish 홈페이지에 펀리딩에 보면 단계별로 영어 동화를 들려줍니다! e북을 활용해서 동화책도 보면서 들을 수 있으니까 활용해보세요! The Gloden Ax and the Silver Ax one day, an honest lumberjack(벌목꾼) was chopping a tree in a forest. "Chop! Chop!" Unfortunately, his ax flew out of his hand and into the pond. "I can't live on without my ax. How can I work?" He was so upset that he cried. The God of the pond knew he was a good man and wanted to hel..

영어공부하자! 2020.11.30