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The Gloden Ax and the Silver Ax
one day, an honest lumberjack(벌목꾼) was chopping a tree in a forest.
"Chop! Chop!"
Unfortunately, his ax flew out of his hand and into the pond.
"I can't live on without my ax. How can I work?"
He was so upset that he cried.
The God of the pond knew he was a good man and wanted to help him.
"Is this your ax?"
"Let me see! That is a silver ax. Sorry, that's not mine."
The Lumberjack was so disappointed.(실망시키다, 좌절시키다)
The God of the pond showed him another ax.
"Is this your ax?"
"Mmm, let me see! That is a golden ax. Sorry, that's not mine, either. Please, just find MY ax. I need it to work."
the lumberjack degged.(간청하다, 구걸하다, 빌다)
Finally, the God of the pond showed him an old rusty(녹슨, 녹투성이의) iron ax.
"Is this your ax?"
"Yes, yes, yes! That's an iron ax. That's mine."
He was so happy to find his old iron ax.
The God of the pond was so happy with his honesty(정직, 솔직함) that he gave him a reward.(보상)
"Hmm, you are such an honest man. You can have all three axes."
"Thank you so much. Now, I can get more work done,"
A dishonest man living in the same village heard the news and visited the Lumberjack.
"You are so lucky. Where is that pond?"
"It's over there in the woods."
He ran off(떠나다, 달아나다) quickly, thinking about gold and silver axes.
The Man found the pond and began chopping the tree.
"Chop! Chop! Now, it's time to throw my ax into the pond."
He waited and waited.
"Oh, hurry up! Just come out quickly and give me my reward."
The God of the pond appeared and asked.
"Yawn! Who woke me up again? Is this silver ax yours?"
"Yes, yes, yes! That is mine."
"How about this golden ax?"
"Yes, yes, yes! Of course that is mine, too." the Man shouted quickly.
"Well, maybe this is your ax, too?"
The God of the pond showed him the iron ax. It was his ax.
"oh, yeah! That us mine, too. All three axes are mine."
The Dishonest Man smiled.
"Go away, you greedy(탐욕스러운, 욕심많은) liar! I have nothing for you."
The God of the pond was angry with him for lying and disappeared in the smoke.
"oh, no! That's not fair. Just give me back my old iron ax! That one is not yours."
The Man begged and begged, but the God of the pond never appeared to him again.
Because he was dihonest, the Man even lost his own ax.