*EBS english 펀리딩에서 학습하기로 공부하실 수 있습니다.
Little Miss Midge

Little Miss Midge had a busy day ahead of(~에 앞에, ~보다 빨리) her. She made a list to she wouldn't forget what she needed to do.
[Thing to do!]
-Buy my poor dag a bone
-Feed the dog
-Sweep(쓸다) the floor
-Make the bed
-Have friends in for ice cream
The first thing Little Miss Midge did was go to the fridge(냉장고), to get her poor(가엾은,불쌍한) dog a bone(뼈). But when she got there, her fridge was bare.(비어있다, 헐벗다)
"Oh, my!" cried Miss Midge.
"There is nothing in the fridge! I must go to the store."
But before she went to the store, she changed her list.
Miss Midge went to the store to buy her poor dog a bone.
When she got home, she found him digging(파다, 파내다, 뒤지다) in her garden.
"Oh, my!" said Miss Midge.
"I must clean this mess up. Come and get your bone, silly(어리석은,바보) dog, and see if you can stay out of trouble."
But before she began, she changed the order of her list.
[Things to do!]
-Replant the flowers
-sweep the floor
-Make the bed
-Have friends in for ice cream
Miss Midge finished planting the flowers in her garden and went back into the kitchen.
There she found her poor dog sitting by the fridge.
"Are you still hungry?" asked Miss Midge.
So Little Miss Midge went to the fridge to get her poor dog a bone, but when she got there, once again, the fridge was bare.
"oh my!" said Miss Midge.
"I must go to the store to buy my poor dog a bone. But first I must change my list."
Miss Midge changed her list once more.
When Miss Midge returned home, she found her dog chewing up her slippers.
"oh my!" said Miss Midge, "I must clean up this mess. Come and get your bone, silly dog, and stay out of trouble."
So, one more time, Miss Midge changed the order of her list.
[Things to do!]
-Clean up slipper mess
-Sweep the floor
-Make the bed
-Have friends in for ice cream
Just then, the doorbell rang. "Who could that be?" asked Miss Midge.
Miss Midge opened the door.
"We're here!" shouted her firends. "We are ready for ice cream."
She went to the fridge to get ice cream, but when she got there, the freezer was bare.
"oh, my," laughed(웃다) Miss Midge.
"I guess I must change my list again."
But this time, she only wrote one thing on her list.