*EBS english에서 펀리딩을 통해 e북과 mp3파일을 이용하실 수 있습니다.
My Stomach

Hi! I'm Jonas. I ate a turkey sandwich for lunch. Now I'm full. Let's find out what our stomachs do after we fill them up!
How did the sandwich get to my stomach in the first place? After I swallowed(삼키다) it, it went down a long tube called the esophagus.(식도) This tube connects my mouth to my stomach.
My stomach is just below(아래) my ribs. It becomes busy when I eat. My stomach helps digest food. It breaks swallowed food into smaller bits.
My stomach digests food so my body can use it. Food gives my body energy. This energy helps me run, jump, and think.
My stomach is like a balloon. It is smaller than a fist(주먹) when it's empty. It stretches when I fill it with food.
Let's look inside my stomach. Check out my sandwich. It's so mushy(곤죽같은)! That's because I already chewed it. But it's still not mushy enough for my body to use. My stomach must get to work!
My stomach has strong muscles. Squeeze(쥐어짜다)! They move the food around and mash(으깨다) it up.
My stomach makes special juices. They break the food into even smaller pieces.
My stomach keeps working. It makes my sandwich soupy(수프같은). My turkey sandwich stays in my stomach for as long as(~하는 한, 동안) five hours.
The stomach breaks down some foods faster than others. The bread in my sandwich gets broken down faster than the turkey.
My stomach has a muscle at its bottom end that acts like a door. When my sandwich is broken down enough, my stomach pushes it out this door. Off the food goes to my small intestine(소장)!
The small intestine keeps digesting my sandwich. The nutrients in the food go into my blood. My blood carries the nutrients to every part of my body.
My body cannot use some parts of my sandwich. This solid waste(고형 폐기물) moves into my large intestine. The waste leaves my body when I poop.(똥)
It takes my body a whole day to digest my turkey sandwich. By then, I have already eaten more meals. My stomach is hard at work with each one!