*EBS 펀리딩 어플을 통해 e북과 mp3파일로 듣고, 공부하실 수 있습니다.
The Lumberjack and the Fairy

A poor lumberjack(벌목꾼) lived with his old mother in a small village.
He worked so hard to serve his mother. But they were so poor. One day while cutting firewood in the forest, a frightened(겁먹은, 무서워하는) deer ran toward him.
"Help me, please! A hunter is trying to kill me," the deer cried, out of breath."
"Hurry, little deer! Hide behind my stack(무더기) of firewood." A minute later, a hunter came running toward him.
"Did you see a deer running this way?"
"Yes, he ran away over there."
The hunter ran off in the wrong direction(방향). And the little deer was safe.
"You can come out now, little deer! Now you're safe."
"Thank you so much! You saved my life!"
The deer really appreciated his help.
"Mr. Lumberjack, you are such a kind and nice man. I want to tell you a very special secret. Follow me!"
The deer took him to magical waterfall(폭포) in the forest.
When he reached the pool of the waterfall, he saw several beautiful women bathing(목욕을 하다, 씻다) in the moonlight.
"Wow! Who are they?"
"Shh! Don't be noisy. You'll scare(겁주다) them away!" the little deer whispered.
"They are magical fairies from the sky," the deer explained.
"They can't fly back to the sky without their wings. Hide one of them and marry her," the deer continued.
"There is one important thing to remember! You should't show her wings until you have three children with her."
The lumberjack nodded(끄덕이다) his head and hid the wings of the most beautifiul one.
The most beautiful Fairy couldn't fly back up to the sky, so she stayed and married the Lumberjack.
A few years later, they lived very happily with their two children.
One day, the Fairy asked her husband, "Can you show me my wings just once, please? I really miss my family in the sky."
She looked so sad.
The Lumberjack said yes only because his wife really wanted this.
But as soon as(하자마자, ~하자 곧) the fairy put on(입다) her wings, she flew up to the sky, taking her two kids.
The poor Lumberjack was left alone.
He felt so lonely. The Lumberjack went to the deer to ask for help.
"Mmm, you made a big mistake, but you're still a good man. I'll tell you one more secret."
"When the full moon rises, a bucket will come down from the sky" the little deer explained. "You must jump in the bucket, quickly!"
On the next full moon, the Lumberjack jumped into the bucket and was pulled(당기다) up, up and away!
He found his lovely wife and children living in a heavenly palace in the sky. He lived there with his family happily for several days, but he soon started to worry about his mother.
"You can visit your mother on this magical flying horse." the Fairy said.
"But do not get off the horse! If you fall off(떨어지다) the horse, you cannot return to the sky," the Fairy warned him again and again.
"Oh, Mother! I'm home. I missed you so much," the Lumberjack on the flying horse cried with joy.
His mother was so happy to see her son again.
"You must be hungry. Have some pumpkin soup. That's your favorite, right?"
His mother gave him a big bowl of delicious pumpkin soup.
"Ooh! It's so hot!"
Suddenly, he dropped the steaming hot bowl of soup on the horse.
"Neigh! Neigh!"
The horse was so shocked that he flew back to the sky.
The Lumberjack fell off.
"Oh, gosh! Everything is my fault. My life is terrible. I miss my wife and children so much."
He cried looking up to the sky.
Sadly, a few months later, he died of loneliness.
After he died, he was born again as a rooster. "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
He crowed loudly every morning, looking up toward the sky.
Many people think that this is the Lumberjack crying out because he misses his wife and children so badly.