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CHPTER 1 - All people Have Needs
Do you like going to the movies? Maybe you have your heart set on(습격하다, (갑자기)~하게 하다) getting a new toy you saw on television. These are things you want but you do not need them. Think about things you need.
We all have basic needs such as food, clothes, and a place to live. Every person needs clothes. But you do not need fancy(화려한, 값비싼) new clothes. You need food. But you do not need an expensive new cereal.
Everyone has to eat to be healthy and have energy. Adults earn(벌다, 얻다) money by working at a job. One of the most important ways the adult uses money is to buy food for their family.
People need clothes, too. Clothes help keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Some kids get new clothes when school starts. Some kids get to wear the clothes their older brother or sister wore.(wear의 과거)
Everyone needs a place to live. Some people live in a house. Others live in apartment buildings where many people live.
Where you live provides shelter(주거지, 대피처) from the weather and keeps you and your family safe.
Who pays for the food, clothes, and place to live? Usually an adult in the family has a job to earn money for these things. But not everyone earns enough money to pay for all three basic needs.
CHAPTER 2 - Sharing Goods and Money
Money helps us buy the things we need. But some things cost a lot of money. Some people need help to provide(제공하다, 주다) things their family needs. They may go to a place on their community for help. There are many ways we can help, too.
Food banks collet boxes and cans of food. Then people can get the food for free or at a low cost. Some people buy an extra can of vegetables or box of cereal to donate(기부하다) to food banks. The food is then shared with families who need it.
Micheala is growing fast. She cannot wear some of her clothes now. She and her mom collected clothes from their family to donate to a clothing drive(옷장). Micheala will miss some of her favorite things. But she knows another girl will enjoy the clothes as much as(~만큼, ~정도) she did!
Jonah has a job walking dogs in his neighborhood. He earns $5 each week. Jonah likes to save some of his money. But every week he puts $1 into a special jar(병, 단지) for charity. Now Jonah shares his money with the local animal shelther. Pets have needs too!
CHAPTER 3 - Giving to Others
Some kids don't have jobs. That does not mean they can't help others. How can kids help people where they live if they do not earn money? There are many ways and they won't cost a penny.(영국의 작은 동전의 화폐단위)
Kids can give back to their community and help others by volunteering their time. Some kids have great ideas, too. They work with their scouting(스카우트) and other groups to come up with ideas for helping.
Maya belongs to(~속하다, 소속이다) a group of girls that meets every week. The girls talked together to come up with ways they could help others. The group set a goal to collect used eyeglasses for one month to give to a local charity.(자선,자선단체)
They decorated boxes and took the boxes to school, to churches, and to local businesses. They even stood outside the supermarket with an asdult leader every Saturday. After one month, the glasses they collected really piled up!( 위로, 많이 쌓다)
Micah does not earn money. But he like to talk - a lot! His neighbor, Mr. Tanaka, does not have family or friends near by. Two days each week, Micah spends(~(시간을)보내다, 쓰다) an hour with his neighbor. They talk about what Micah is learning and what he has done that week.
Some days Micah and his sister play games with Mr. Tanaka. They talk about all the things Mr. Tanaka remembers when he was their age, too. They all love that part!
It feels good to earn money. Money lets us buy things we need and things we want. But spending money isn't the only reason to earn. Sharing our goods, time, and money with people who need help not only makes us feel good, it makes someone else feel good, too.